ถ้ากล้าจริง อยากให้ทุ่มเงินเลย ไม่ต้องให้มาลองดูเชิงแบบนี้หรอก ผมอยากเห็น jrpg กลับมาจะตาย อยากเห็น ms กล้าทุ่มซื้อ dev ญี่ปุ่นให้หมด แล้วหวังว่าจะไม่แพเหมือนเกมของ platinum games
Both teams have talked with different potential publishers and additional funders, but no deal has been signed yet. In most cases, these companies want to see serious interest in the product first, so both teams are taking on up-front risk to pursue their dreams and hope that backers will be truly interested in their projects.
After talking with these different companies, the teams have agreed that $375,000 per project is the funding goal required to bring each title to life. However, since Kickstarter only allows for a single number, we are doubling that amount and listing $750,000 (JPY 1,000,000) as the initial funding goal.
Like : Quartraz, Mindlody
[Edited 1 times MJ - Last Edit 2022-08-27 19:53:21]
Since 8/10/2007
(1412 post)