Since 21/10/2005
(1390 post)
PS4 Sales Rise 200% After PS4 Pro Launch in the UK
According to the report, 65 percent of PS4 sales for the week were the Pro model. Standard edition PS4 sales jumped 8.5 percent week-over-week
Sales of Sony's console in the UK paced ahead of the Xbox One, as PS4 sales (PS4 and PS4 Pro) were 44 percent better than total Xbox One sales during the week, the report said. The PS4 ended the week with a 53 percent hardware marketshare while the Xbox One came in at 37 percent. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps4-sales-rise-200-after-ps4-pro-launch-in-the-uk/1100-6445392/
[Edited 1 times Nathan - Last Edit 2016-11-17 10:01:59]
Since 21/10/2005
(1390 post)