- Bayonetta 3 กับ Vanquish 2 รอความเมตตาจาก SEGA INABA: For any time, if we have the chance to make a sequel, we want to do it. There is no title we don’t want to make a sequel for. So, of course, we want to make Bayonetta 3 and Vanish 2. So, yes, we want to make sequels.
- ประธานคนเก่ามินามี ทัตสึยะ ลาออกไปทำอย่างอื่น
- บริษัทยังอยู่ดีมีสุข KOTAKU: Then, it wasn’t like things at Platinum Games were going badly? INABA: Oh no, it was nothing like that. If anything, things at the company are going great.
- Platinum Games มีมิตรภาพอันดีงามกับ Valve (เจ้าของ Steam) ชอบแวะไปเที่ยวทางนั้นบ่อย ๆ
- โคนาม้วย "ฝันไปเถอะสำหรับ MGR2" KOTAKU: So, within these past ten years, Platinum Games has made various titles. Is there interest in making sequels, such as making [Metal Gear] Rising 2? INABA: Rising? That’s Konami’s IP. KOTAKU: Right. INABA: And Kojima Productions [at Konami] no longer exists. KOTAKU: That’s correct. INABA: We don’t even know what will happen next. That’s just looking at this from our point of view.
Since 17/4/2008
(18093 post)