Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10 (Platinum Difficulty Rating Poll) Offline trophies: 35 (22, 6, 6, 1) Online trophies: 0 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 hours (Estimated Time to Platinum Poll) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Story Mode, 18 Tournaments, and 5 Neptral Towers plus many, many cleanup fights Number of missable trophies: 4 (Quest Master , Event Master , Accessory Fanatic , and Please Help! ) Glitched trophies: 4 (Neptune, I Choose You! , Nepgear, I Choose You , Journalistic Integrity , and Chapter 1 Clear ) Does difficulty affect trophies?: N/A Do trophies stack?: N/A Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No, but cheats have to be unlocked via in-game actions.
[Edited 3 times kuntz - Last Edit 2015-09-19 15:50:32]
Since 29/3/2006
(12968 post)