ถ้าอ่านไม่ผิด monk นี่ เอา Greased Lightning ออกจาก rotation ไปเลย งี้ไม่ต้องเก็บเกตแล้วสิ Fists of Fire ก็ไปด้วย แล้วแก้ด้วยการเพิ่ม potency ให้ไปเลย monk ไม่ต้องเลี้ยงไฟแล้วดูชีวิตง่ายขึ้นเยอะเลย
รอบนี้ทีมงานหลุดบั๊กใหญ่มาเลยแฮะ แก้ไม่ทันด้วยสิ
Regarding Materia Sockets of Belts and Accessories from Matoya's Relict and Eden's Promise
Due to an error in item specifications, belts and accessories obtained from the duties mentioned above have two materia sockets.
These gear pieces were originally intended to have only one materia socket each. However, this error was not discovered until immediately before Patch 5.4's release, leaving us no time to address the issue. Because of this gear's availability at the release of Patch 5.4, and their effectiveness because of this oversight, there is a possibility they may influence the race for world first in the Eden's Promise raid. After careful deliberation, we have chosen to leave these items in their present state.
This will also affect the balance of gear obtained from Eden's Promise (Savage), as well as the newly added Exarchic crafted gear. We apologize for this and ask for your understanding. However, it should be noted that, as with previous patches, fully melded Exarchic crafted gear will prove comparable to, if not more effective than, the aforementioned belts and accessories.
While this decision was ultimately made due to the timing of the error's discovery, we have determined that to leave these items unchanged will not leave any players at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, we will be re-evaluating our work flow to ensure issues such as this do not occur again in the future
Like : Eyrios
[Edited 3 times thirteenguy - Last Edit 2020-12-07 18:24:47]
Since 2016-05-30 19:42:53
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