Movie Mode: Mode focused on high-quality graphics at 30fps. Action Mode: Mode focused on providing a stable 60fps frame rate. Movie Mode with variable Frame Rate: A bit of both, providing high-quality graphics with a variable frame rate that may go over 30fps when possible.
PS4 PRO Video Options and Enhacements:
PS4 Pro, HD display: “Movie Mode”: Stable 1920x1080 resolution with high-quality anti-aliasing at 30 frames per second (fps) PS4 Pro, HD display: “Action Mode”: Stable 1920x1080 resolution at 60fps PS4 Pro, 4K display: “Movie Mode”: Stable 3840x2160 resolution at 30fps PS4 Pro, 4K display: “Action Mode”: Stable 1920x1080 resolution at 60fps
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Since 2012-09-17 15:30:29
(808 post)